Just friends
We leave the circus for the next stop in Drago and Viper’s busy day. It’s fully packed and they have places to go.
Also enjoy the bonus sketch that Reptilefan commissioned to accompany this page.
This bonus story is brought to you by Reptilefan.
Enjoy ^^
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She came all the way to see him
and found him with his lady.
Perhaps she should have called ahead
and avoided this malady?
Drago’s inconvenienced
as he was told he’d be.
I wonder why he never told Viper
about the lady from across the sea?
She’s obviously hunted for him
in the way that Vixens do.
Viper deals with her quickly, though;
Drago doesn’t have time for two…
“Lady” and “malady” don’t rhyme, even though it looks like they should, like Sean Bean’s first and last names.
I know it’s pushing it but I was having fun with ‘Lady/Malady’.
Diplomacy failed X_X
@Welsh Rat:
There’s a technical word for this, but I can’t recall it just now…
…it refers to a rhyme that’s based on spelling, rather than how it sounds. A typical example is rhyming RAIN with AGAIN.
alliteration, I think.
I’m going out on a limb here, & assuming that the use of orange word balloons indicates a foreign language, such as Dutch…?
…did a flag-logo just appear on their dialogue as I was typing?
I don’t recall seeing that there originally…???!?
You must have overlooked it. They have been on the original for a couple weeks now xD
When designing the layout, were the flag icons assigned a separate layer? Maybe my phone caused a delay in loading them for that reason…?
(It’s a really old model of phone, & the company has announced that they will discontinue supporting it, as of December)
I’m grasping at straws here, as if you hadn’t noticed.
The Netherlands flags (🇳🇱) tagging the word bubbles tell you the conversation is indeed in Dutch.
That and the color. Was trying to find the gibberish, could not. Missed the obvious.
I wonder if the flag refers to the language, while the color refers to the accent? So, one could put dialog in for a non-native beginning speaker with a white bubble and a language flag?
I think they’re orange because orange is the national color of the netherlands
I notice that you added Savestate to the list of ‘Comics We Like’. When did that happen? ~
It has been there since I started the website ^^’
Well …… Who has been really inconveniented of them three ?
Feel sad for Viola in the last panel
Get heart broken at 16 (great maximum) …… Poor Viola >_<
Viper has staked her claim and is not going to give it up!
Viola: Bark!!!
Passing by Kaya: “Moooo!”
[Viper and Viola stare at the suddenly appearing Kaya]
Kaya: “What? I thought we were making random animal noises.”
Viper: “Hi Kaya. Uh, this was just between the two of us…”
Kaya: “Oh, then I thought you were making random animal noises.”
Viper and Viola: [Internally] “You’re a random animal…”
Drago: [To himself] “Where’s Kai when you need him? I could really have him take his sister…”
I guess the twins and Cleo aren’t the only ones who can speak another language.
I’m liking Viola, she seems like a fun person to hang out with. Peppy.
Poor Drago, he looks kinda sad in the last panel, but I guess Viper isn’t just a name.
I’m still wondering about a manifestation of twinspeak. It’s a common linguistic phenomenon among twins raised together and develops along with the native language of their household.
Of course given their proclivity to video games, it might just sound like Dovah.
Viola was probably holding out hope her old friend wasn’t in a committed relationship before they bumped into each other.
Nice to see more language representation, it would have been a bit more amusing if Viper actually did know Dutch and was able to follow the whole conversation.
Who do you think the twins will meet first, out of the 3?
If memory serves me correctly, I think the twins met Drago when Kai was trying out for the basketball club, way back when.
En dan wat echt Nederlands er tussen?
I could not hold it to see my country’s flag 😛
Had ik kunnen doen, maar dan had ik een hoop nota’s moeten toevoegen onder de panelen van de strip. Op deze manier weet je het ook :p
So yeah, no real dutch, but this way, you know it’s dutch :p
Panel 2: There should be a comma at the end of “vague”.
Bonus sketch: “icecream” should be two words.
In both things, it can be either way. It just depends on how you want the sentence to sound; especially the first. (Same way with -my- sentences here. 😉 )
Why “Batman” is one word , “Iron man” two ; and “Spider-man” with a dash ? XD
Interesting question! And, if you listen to how people pronounce them, it is very often they are pronounced like they are spelled. I frequently pronounce “Batman” as one word, but, I always pronounce “Iron Man” as two. Surprisingly, as I try it just now, I find I pronounce “Spider-man” kind of in-between.
Or, if you want a silly answer… “Because they were designed by different people?” 😉 🙂
Seems I was half right on my prediction (the big family) I thought it would have been more of a page focus though. There were a few commissions involving drago and viper’s future a while back, and calling their family “big” is kind of an understatement. Was expecting the fortune teller to gaze into the ball and get a shocked expression or something.
“I’m loooooking into your fuuuuture, and I see……. I seee….. Wow, um, that’s a big family………..A REALLY BIG family…”
“I’ve……. never seen a family so big…”
Given the ‘flexible’ nature of the English language, the ‘family’ need not be a bond of blood relations, or even just a bond of marriage. Family can also be referring to a community of people who are bound in a close-knit, emotionally supportive sense.
While that is true, 20 kids would count as a big family on their own.
I’m just saying that the Esteemed Author has allowed themselves a lot of leeway for many different interpretations.
Aww, I feel sorry for Viola. But now I also want ice cream.
Remember, guys.
Never try to understand women.
Women understand women…and they hate each other.
You mean *some* women hate each other.
Jesse’s Adventure, panel 3: “We will /temporarily/ seal your magic for now…”
Jessie’s Adventure: Hmm… Gran’s not real clear… I assume she’ll either periodically visit Jackie to discuss what it means to be a shaman, or will leave her a way to ‘call’ for a chat. 🙂
I absolutely adore the design of Viola. She looks so cute <3
I agree with Viper, I wish we could have seen more of the circus. I did want to see Urvashi make her predictions and Tiana getting mad that Drago and Viper got separated from the little rat monkey/ghost monkey girl. At least we heard the summary of the Mothra Madam’s prophecies. Now we the audience know Urvashi’s predictions have a high likelihood of coming to pass, given that Robin has posted a “fast forward” of Drago and Viper as a married couple with a lot of little hatchlings. Something tells me they’ll either be going at it like rabbits or Viper will give birth to a clutch or two per pregnancy… As for being inconvenienced, many prophecies and predictions are usually vague because they have multiple outcomes. The ones that are really specific are the ones you need to watch out for, be glad you didn’t get “Bad luck and misfortune will plague your pathetic soul for all eternity,” Drago!
Quite the surprise that Drago ran into a friend from the old country, I’m sure Viola was happy… At first. Well, Viola, what did you expect? You haven’t seen Drago in years and there was a good chance he’d have a girlfriend, so you should probably stop eating ice cream out of the carton. As for Drago (once again), I wonder if the “inconvenience” he’ll face is small, green, energetic, and a weapon of mass destruction…
Check the ages. While it’s technically possible to have two children in year independently, definitely not tree – and based on how they look similar, I would guess there is no rounding involved and they are twins, single, twins, single, triplet, single, twins, single, triplet, uhhh …, and last ones probably twins too and sign they should stop.
… three, not tree, although technically, not tree either.
Arme Viola!
Zo gaan die dingen, meid!
Just a guest , and receiving such “treatment” ………… I want Robin apologizing to Viola
A classic furry. She must have many admirers, she shouldn’t take this so hard. Funny that he didn’t even notice that there had been a battle.
A classic -guy- furry. 😉
Drago’s more of a ‘scaley’, I think…