Private tutor
Cleo is a good student :p
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Cleo, don’t tell the world
that you’re learning Arabic.
When they try to use it,
you can reveal their trick.
Secrets are best in business;
they can really turn the tide.
The best card’s are not in play,
they’re the ones you hide.
SO two called and two down;
will Rex have dribbled free?
After all, if they don’t call,
he won’t like it now, will he?
I love your prose.
How about pig latin?
No Benji and no Cleo. But Rex and Nate are still up in the air. I do wonder how this chapter will unfold.
Not to mention rex has his sports exception to not turn in his homework until the last week of the school year, he’d probably welcome some help since that deadline is approaching
The life of a rich little snek girl… Being able to hire a private tutor to learn a new language after finishing your finals homework a day early, she practically lives in a different world than her friends. I see she prefers green tea, an excellent choice.
Well, that’s two friends unavailable, I guess the next choice is Nate, though he’s probably tutoring Rex. Maybe Drago and Viper are available? It would be funny if Nate and Rex are already studying at the library the twins are headed to, Kai and Kaya could help Nate tutor Rexie.
Only if “Rexie” will howl for Kaya. 😉 (Inside voice, Rex! INSIDE VOICE!!)
No doubt, when she was with her earlier group of “friends,” she did all their homework too.
What an industrious little snek, whatever she has instead of a nose is to the grindstone even though it doesn’t have to be, indulging in self-improvement. Speaking of other nations and customs, I cant help but wonder how different cultures reacted to the whole hybrid issue. We know that rural rednecks wherever the twins were born reacted… poorly, and that’s a first world country with a fairly open society. Being born a hybrid in some places could be very nasty.
Depends on what kind of hybrid, IMHO. Rural rednecks reacts poorly to ANY hybrid, but in other cultures, some hybrids might have it good and other bad.
Speaking of, I wonder if everyone from the old town has slit each other’s throats yet.
I thought it would be funny if that town suddenly had a boom in Hybrids births in the months after the Romeros moved to Hybrid City. Consider it Divine Retribution/karma for the adult population demonizing Kai and Kaya for being Hybrids.
“Boom”? How many births you think happen there per month? But yes, it would totally be fair if more hybrids would be born there. Also, it would make sense if it’s caused by environment somehow.
I can’t help but think about places like Southern Africa, where being born an Albino is a serious danger beyond the near inevitable sunburn and skin cancer and other effects, as there is a constant risk of being murdered and harvested so your body parts can be used in ‘rituals’ and fake magic medicine, or even a fully developed country like South Korea, where even today being of mixed race is considered very undesirable, and 60 years ago could result in infants being killed or rendered unable to reproduce.
I’m thinking most of Australia would generally be accepting, but I can see some people taking a while to warm up to the idea. Unfortunately, I can DEFINITELY see some places seeing the birth of a Hybrid baby as some sort of curse or divine punishment, and other places where such a child would straight up be extremely lucky to survive…
My OC group is made of the primary character – a Hybrid easiest described as a navy blue Alien from the Alien/Alien Resurrection/etc movies – and his Normal Human neighbour who is 1 year younger but they’re still the very best of friends.
The girl is the same age as the main OC and looks Human in all ways except for the horns, tail and fire breathing, yet her Ukrainian Gypsy family saw her as cursed so the family was forced to escape to her Father’s English family. When they learned through several “Parents of Hybrid Children” support websites of a “Blue Demon Hybrid” living comfortably in Australia, they were happy to move Down Under, including her Ukrainian Mother…
The last of the core 4 😋 is a big, red “Enforcer Demon” Hybrid born in Brussels. He’s a year older than the other 2 but kept back a year in schooling as he’s not the book-smarts type. Many were accepting but too many weren’t, a local church and it’s blind Priest his favourite sanctuary, the locals never realising who was so quick to master the full pipe organ. When his family moved to Australia after learning of another “Demon Hybrid” living safely there, he was NOT happy about it at all, to the point of getting into physical fights with my main OC. It was a while before a certain event solidified their friendship into something permanent…
So K-pop’s just a distraction from eugenics?
I suspect that various oppressed minorities got a big relief as all the hatemongers found a much more deviant group to persecute.
I suspect they didn’t because the hatemongers can persecute both new and old targets.
Panel 7: Add a period to “Cleo” (not like that).
A random point of curiosity, I wonder what kind of support networks would be available to parents and families of Hybrid Children, and for the children themselves. I’m thinking online forums would be a great way for parents to connect, probably for the kids themselves too once they got old enough. Maybe Helplines would train specialist staff in Hybrid issues. Any other ideas?
My main OC’s Mum is former Australian Army Programmer who retired after having her first-born turn out navy blue. She instead put her free time into throwing together a Parents Of Hybrids forum, then refining it over the years. In time she even set up servers in other countries, including 2 in Hybrid City. That’s 1 of the reasons why their family regularly travels between Australia and Hybrid City in America…
Our history teacher in high school know, how to speak arabic. She claimed, that’s the only language she knows of, which could swear more colorful, than hungarian! (Which is my mother language.)
Could someone point me to the link for Jesse’s adventure?
Should be on webtoon if you look.
You can download the entire things here:
Has all the text outside the comic suddenly shrunk for anyone else? Is it also on PC or just on mobiles like mine? Or have I somehow shrunk the text size on this page? I hope I haven’t shrunk my text size, cause if I did I don’t know how I did it and don’t know how to undo it…
I did a quick search for Arabic tea customs. Nothing huge in the results but her tutor will likely get a cup of tea, or a full pot.
Arabic is the language of the Muslim holy book the Koran.
I find more likely her motivation is that Arabic is the language of lot of people who got rich on oil.
“Okay, Miss Cleo, let’s review this phrase. ‘If you try to subjugate me, I’ll embargo your private parts.'”
“Wait, what?”
“It’s Saudi Arabia. You being educated and not having a Y chromosome is going to raise some issues.”