Skipping school
When was the last time you could legally skip school?
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There’s something about this that’s off
as the pair find their day diverted
away from school and all their friends
Even Kaya’s face has been alerted.
She’s woken up to a surprise today,
a visit ‘s coming to the local Doc.
They don’t seem to be excited here;
things going easily will be a shock…
This all seems to be in correct order,
even if arranged in quite a hurry;
I’m sure it’s all totally above board.
They have no real cause to worry…
Why do we wake up when we haven’t to ?
We can’t sleep all day, Kaya xD
We can try! 😉
Panel 3: Are you sure it was a good idea to put “the city” twice in the same sentence?
Jesse’s Adventure, Panel 1: “Do you have any idea how worried I was, /Jesse?/”
A writing error, yes though speech often has flaws. It’s best practice not being perfect in areas that it may retract from the organic feel. Some comics have perfect and robotic speech. This has characters being themselves.
I think this is one of those times when it is legitimately reasonable to use “the city” twice in the same sentence.
There may be yet a better way to say it, but I doubt it will be a big improvement.
It’s something I should have edited out but forgot to do. I edited the other typo’s but forgot that one xD
A medical exam is very awful , Kai : you’ll be needled to check your blood , naked to see all is fine and no skin problem ; checking for ears , nose , eyes , “this” . Your air breathing (not interested by you breathing fire ^_^”) and your strength , teeth and nails (or i have to say fangs and claws)
No ; keep fine : i joke …………… I hope XD
And when i’m here : *takes a selfie of Kaya in the second panel and posts it on FB , Instagram and Twitter* ^_^”
Don’t scare him xD
And it will raise her follower count. Look at how cute she is xD
Doctor it is then, hope neither of them have a fear of needles! Be interesting to see if we learn anything else about the twins unique to them aside from the tough scaly skin and fire breathing.
Oh, we will learn something, alright ^^
(Copy and paste) posted this today on yesterday’s page.
Doctors for hybrids must have a vast veterinary knowledge to draw from. Then throw in the required paediatric specialist as so far they are all kids, it must be ridiculous getting qualified to work specifically with them. Normal doctors wouldn’t really be that capable and you could see new professionals taking the best part of a decade to fully get qualified.
Then you get interesting cases like having a problem with a previously undocumented flame gland…
Yeah that’s a fair point, imagine there were quite a few doctors going back to school, taking cram courses on veterinary medicine to adapt to this new demand. Likely a number of them taking continuing courses to this day too considering the wide variety of hybrids out there.
I foresee a lot of combination practices springing up; ones with specialists cooperating; pediatrics, veterinary, (cat specialist, dog specialist, etc), and various others.
You are right. Medically, hybrids can differ in some ways from humans and it needs specialized knowledge. Tails is only one of the things that come to mind, but if someone hurts his or her tail, that needs to be healed as well. :p
Kai: “Bu-but I just ate an apple! No doctor can get near me for the next 24 hours!”
It seems they’re developing an immunity to apples, and in fact today’s XKCD comic has covered this very subject! (
Hahahahaha. Well played. Just rad that comic. Glad that other people have my webcomic habits.
That slogan was developed by a trade body responsible for increasing apple sales.
Marco: They will use a special shield, kiddo. No apple power can penetrate that.
Well, I was way off. Missed the very obvious chapter title clue and assumed it was to do with the restaurant. May be because I’m a bureaucrat myself, but I associate department of health more with public health inspections than doctors.
I’d hate to be the government officials in charge though. Free health checkups for everyone in the city… That would be very expensive, probably heavily subsidised by the federal or state government.
The conspiracy theorist in me suspects this is more to obtain as much information on hybrids as possible. Ok, that’s probably true conspiracy or no conspiracy. The conspiracy part comes into what they will do with that information. Helping hybrid heath and further medical research, sure, but I’m sure there is some General sitting somewhere thinking, “wow, they would make a great soldier!”.
Sorry, I like analysing how things like this would work in the real world
*gags Thisguy*
Sorry : he’s not totally awake ^_^”
I took inspiration from my own country for this health check. In Belgium, health care is almost free and kids do get three health checks during their school career. You are right, this is very expensive. Belgium ranks very high on the list of countries with highest taxes.
I think it’s worth it, though. The system works. I think it’s only natural for a new city, focussed on hybrids, to take this kind of system as their default. They need the insight if they want to make sure their hybrid citizens are healthy.
Oh, wow; so much fun detail in this one! 🙂
That shirt really seems to suit Papa Romero, and a great job making the flower pattern work with the wrinkles in the cloth.
Very good clothing details throughout actually, such as the wrinkles caused by the grip of Kai’s fingers on Kaya’s left arm, and correct-looking folds and wrinkles wherever bodies and torsos flex. Panel two has Kaya with one eye more open than the other, along with a trace of droo- DON”T DROOL IN THE CEREAL BOWL, KAYA!!!
First panel; Aww; Kaya loves his sister! See the look of concern on his face?
Last panel; Kaya’s suddenly wide awake! …and hugging her cereal bowl, while Kai was apparently caught by surprise just as he was about to push her head into it. 😉
The details really help keep this one going, Robin! Good job!
Thanks Ed 😀 I had fun making the flowers for that shirt. Naturally, I would make sure the pattern works well on the shirt ^^
Kai really does love his sister. I try to make that clear whenever I can. They have such a good bond together. Of course, siblings are siblings, so they argue and fight as well from time to time xD
Fights with siblings are always nastier.
You both known exactly what buttons to press to get a reaction.
Ooooh, a medical exam. Mayhaps we can learn more about hybrid anatomy. Perhaps about how our lovable twins can breathe fire? We can only wait. It’s nice of the city to provide a free annual checkup, though.
Nice! and…suspicious. You’re talking about politicians and bureaucrats here after all.
It’s really nice of them. ^^
ok….since this is a nice, tame kiddie comic i´m sure there is no ulterior motive behind the offered free check-up – like studying hybrid anatomy to learn about their potential weaknesses
Or strengths :p
Wow…. The story here’s becoming more abd more interesting!
Thank you for the wonderful time you give us, at reading the comics.
You’re very welcome 😀 I’m just glad everyone is enjoying it so much ^^
I wish that free medical exams really did exist for everybody in the US (as it does elsewhere). But, as we all must finally accept, this strip is a fantasy.
[Frith Ra]:
Haven’t checked-in for some months, after your story completed, but I just followed your link, & all your pages are blank — except for the ‘bare bones’. Of all the things I remember, the only missing part seems to be the story-pages themselves.
Yeah, it should be a human right, in my opinion.
Something about this worries me. All eventualities have been covered and that doesn’t sound like City Hall to me. I think they should check with Benji over whether this is a thing. Just in case…
Hmm, you think it’s a trap of some kind?
Awwwww. Kaya looks so tired in that first and second panel. Poor girl simply can NOT handle mornings. Not to mention: Surprise doctor visit. Talk about a rude awakening! At least this means she can sleep on the car ride over, and they’ll probably be home much earlier than they would have had they gone to school. (Giving you some plus sides guys. Just think about that and not the potential needles.) Either way it should be interesting to see how the doctor(s) react to dragon hybrids. I’m sure that they have a lot of unknowns about them. Though if they have the immune systems of full on dragons, then they’re probably in much better health than most average everyday hoomans. I’m intrigued and excited for the next page Robin. Keep up the amazing work! And don’t think I didn’t notice the precision and detail that’s always so wonderfully woven into the artwork with these comics. I just feel like some of the other commenters have already broken that down much better than I could have. Love the comic just as much as ever, and to you Robin, stay awesome!
Kaya is indeed not a morning person xD
Oh, I’m sure they will figure out some plusses for this checkup. They are pretty optimistic anyway :p
Thanks for the kind words, Alpha ^^
Well this should be interesting. I imagine this is part of the ongoing investigation to try and understand what caused hybrids in the first place. By examining all the hybrids within the city they can start to map the genetic profiles and see if there are any through lines in their biological makeup. I.e. is there a genetic “smoking gun” that caused this condition and can it be controlled. And of course there is safety concerns like if hybrids might react differently to viruses. I’m looking forward to see what we might learn about hybrids in general in this chapter.
And, do we want it controlled? The hybrids might very well be a more robust and resilient version of “human”.
Oh, it’s definitely going to be interesting. There will be some nice insight in the bigger picture ^^
Somehow, the thought of Kaya mostly unsupervised in a hospital fills me with both amusmement and dread
Hey, give her some credit. She isn’t the force of destruction you all make of her.
Just kidding, we know she needs supervision in a hospital xD
Is this more likely to end up “amusingly dreadful” or “dreadfully amusing”? 😉
Just hoping that the next strips won’t be a crossovers to 9t9 , with Wolf being the doctor XD
Definitely amusing :p
There will be needles…
And that’s not a western movie title 😉
Would have been a weird western xD
this isn’t really a dark comic so It would be OOC if this was something super nefarious. but the first thing my mind goes to is some x-men Willian Stryker shit.
Tired Kaya is tired
AM is her kryptonite
Someone wake her up!
Okay, as long as neither of them sneeze near an oxygen supply. Oxygen by itself doesn’t burn…but it makes other things burn insanely well.
Or near the backup generator!