Witch hunting
Nate has connections, but we already knew that :p
Now who could this mysterious person, that I shaded much darker to add to the mystery, possibly be?
Cameo in the third panel: Ladon the shark
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McThunderpants, burning people at the stakes is a bit of a overreaction o.O
A bucket of water to see if she melts might be an easier first try.
Regular or Holy? Make sure not to get it confused with essence of vitriol, aka sulfuric acid!
Normally, I would discourage someone from [mess]ing with a Witch, but in this particular instance, I reckon McThunderpants is Sage enough to pull it off.
WOA , Nate has succeed to gather a spy service so quick ? 0_o
Seems Rex has understood the code words ; be careful from now
Something smells fishy to Rex. Hmm, can he identify people by smell, like he wolf he resembles?
With the fishes closed in a bocal , i doubt Rex smells it ; but surely yes for the scent identification
Team A continues popularity reach out, Team B acquires targets and begins spying/witch hunt, and Team C continues food service. All in a day’s work, I guess.
Unfortunately for Team C, half of the team has just gotten drafted to Team B.
Well, any good spy would want to stay in the shadows, particularly in that heat. Curious to see what Thunderpants has up his proverbial sleeve.
Guess after the girl who he chatted with had called him, he made his own Calls to his Network of Spies to keep him updated. Damn.
Texted them actually. ‘Autocorrupt’ and everything. It’s in the same or next comic.
given what we see of the hair, i’m wondering if that is jackie from the “jesse’s adventure” side story..
He’s using that nickname;
the one bringing glory.
(Well, it has made him quite
central to this story.)
His spies spotted the foe
so he can intervene;
destroying their foul plot
without making a scene?
(Or, at least, making it
far away from the van.
At least I hope he may.
After all, it’s his plan.)
That hair-style makes me think of Toph the earth-bender/metal-bender, but I guess this is somebody else. I wonder what Liz is doing. I guess she is still in the dessert shop, finishing her sundae.
Rex caught on a bit faster than anticipated.
Let’s hope Nate’s operation makes those 2 has them rethinking their life choices, probably won’t but it would be nice if that was true.
Also, I look forward to seeing Lizzy again, it would be nice to see her meet up the gang with some new friends. Lizzy wants to believe in the best in people, but those two probably just burnt their last bridge with her with what they’re doing now.
Time to shine Nate! Been looking forward to seeing how he intends to counter Larissa, maybe she won’t even make it to the food truck. At least if Nate fails Rex is now aware of the situation.
Also, what the frick is Dinah holding? It looks like an envelope of french fries… but going by the proportions relative to her head, those must be GIGANTIC french fries.
Going off colour and shape, I would guess churros? They’re a pretty common fair/market food, though usually sold singularly, in my experience.
“What eradication?”
Is “this mysterious person” anyone we’ve met before? No fair asking us to identify her if we’ve never even heard of her! LOL 🙂 (Actually, she kinda reminds me of someone from another comic.. LOL )
The first and last panels are my favorites!
Might be the same person Nate attempted to contact before back when Cleo first asked them to help out with the food truck. Nate was going to possibly ask them to sabotage the competition but Cleo stopped that right quick!
So uh, does this mean he’s done something like this before?
He’s the right hand of the captain of the basketball team. He has experience running interference. Just so happens that skill translates off the court rather nicely
Well I know one thing for certain, the “witches” will have an especially bad time if they encounter Jin, especially with his guardian liondog watching.
Also I found this series less than a week ago. Instantly hooked!
Be ironic, and amusing to me, if Kasumi(?) being absolutely un-needed in this little adventure at all. She’ll be happy Jin did so well, but a -little- annoyed that she didn’t get to have any fun. 🙂
Even better if someone sees smoking gun evidence that she exists.
The secret Bro-code
Gor when you need your hommies to have your back without question cause they know its for the greater good
Clem, this is just a reaction video/food review for a new restaurant, not a 2 hour movie.😑😒
Too bad we didn’t see Kai in action this week, but we did get an update on Lala’s witchy plot. Nate should inform the others of what he knows if he hasn’t already, they’d get upset that he’d be withholding something as important as this that concerns them all rather greatly… Well, it would be wise not to let Kaya know right away, as she’s the most impulsive member of the group. By the way, I’m surprised that Rex caught on to Nate’s plan that fast and that calmly, he doesn’t seem like the type who’d reach that conclusion in as short a time as he did. Now, all we have to do is wait for the witch burning!
Rex is very used to Nate’s ways. 🙂
If you could snatch the bag, or break the jar.
-Angry Villager mob: “Witches! Witches! Burn them! Burn the witches! Witches!” *Angry mob of villagers goes running through the Hybrid town, holding down Larissa and Dinah. They stop in the town square in front of Sir Bedevere. Larissa and Dinah are wearing large funnels on their heads and have large carrots tied to their faces like noses.* -Random villager 1: “We found a pair of witches! May we burn them?!” -Big unruly mob: “Burn them! Burn them! Burn them! Burn them!” -Larissa: “Let them go and make them your leaders!” -Big unruly mob: “Yeah! Free them! Make ’em our leaders! Let ’em go!… Wait an minute! **the mob glares at Larissa and Dinah** Burn them!” -Sir Bedevere: “How do you know they are a pair of witches?” -Random villager 2 (Salamander Hybrid): “They look like one!” -Angry mob: Right! Yeah! Yeah! -Sir Bedevere: “Bring them forward” -Larissa: I’m not a witch! *Dinah grunts* We’re not witches!” -Sir Bedevere: “Ah, but you both are dressed as and smell like one.” -Dinah: “They dressed us up like this!”. -Half of the crowd: “Augh, no we didn’t. We didn’t…” *the other half of the mob glare at the first half* -Larissa: “And there aren’t our real noses! These are just carrots they tied to our faces!” -Sir Bedevere: *Lifts up the false noses on Larissa and Dinah, then turns to face the mob and gives them a questioning look* “Well?” -Random villager 1: “Well, we did do the noses.” -Sir Bedevere: “The noses?” -Random villager 1: “And the hats, but those two are witches!” -Random villager 2: “Yeah!” -Angry mob: “We burn them! Yeaaah! Yeah!” -Sir Bedevere: “The noses were definitely an improvement. Did you dress them up like this?” -Random villager 1: “No!” -Random villager 2 and 3(lizard Hybrid): “No. No.” -Random villager 2: “No.”
-Random villager 1: “No.” -Random villagers 2 and 3: “No.” -Random villager 1: “Yes.” -Random villager 2: “Yes.” -Random villager 1: “Yes. Yeah, a bit. Just the hats and noses…”
-Random villager 3: “A bit.” -Random villagers 1 and 2: “A bit.” -Random villager 3: “A bit.” -Random villager 4 (Turtle Hybrid): *Speaks up from the non guilty half of the angry mob, blushing a bit* “Well, they both have warts…”
-Sir Bedevere: *Looking over Larissa and Dinah’s faces* “Really, where? I don’t see any on both their faces.”
-Random villager 4: *Blushes harder* “Well, their warts aren’t on their faces… It’s a bit lower than that… I accidentally saw them while they were picking up something off the ground”
*Larissa and Dinah blush from extreme embarrassment and anger over their accidental “reveal”*
-Larissa and Dinah: ” You little son of a- *someone in the mob gives a loud cough*, I’m gonna curse your scaly ass so much-*another coughing fit from a villager*!”
-Sir Bedever: *After staring at the two and processing what they said, then pretending they didn’t say anything* “What makes you think these two troublemakers are witches?” -Random villager 3: “Well, they turned me into a newt! A regular newt, not a hybrid…” -Sir Bedevere: “A newt?” -Random villager 3: “I got better. The spell wore off, y’see…” -Random villager 5: “No it didn’t, you’ve still got a tail… And stuff…” -Random villager 3: “I’m a Lizard Hybrid, I’m supposed to look like this, remember?” -Random villager 5: “Oh yeah… What about him? *points to random villager 2* He looks like he’s been turned into a newt!” -Random villager 2: “No, I’m just a Salamander Hybrid.” -Random villager 5: “Oh. Sorry.”
*The mob goes silent*
-Random villager 2: “Burn them anyway!” -Random villager 1: “Burn!” -Angry mob: “Burn them! Burn! Burn them!”
-Random villager 4: “I did see them curse my friend Eddy for being to loud, they turned him into a mute!”
*Mob stares at a Cat Hybrid who’s quietly blushing from the attention* -Random villager 4: “That’s Kenny, he’s always been a mute. *points to a reptile Hybrid sporting an angry expression* This is Eddy! We checked him and he didn’t turn into a mute because he swallowed a fly again.” *Eddy growls*
-Kaya: “They also made my pants rip while I was talking to my friends at our food truck! *Holds up a pair of pants with huge rips in the front, sides, and seat* I liked those pants! Also, they tried throwing a concrete ball at my head once. Also, they made the seat of my brother’s pants disa-” -Kai: “KAYA!”
*The mob goes silent again before breaking out into another chorus of “Burn them!”* -Sir Bedevere: ” Quiet! Quiet! Quiet! Quiet! There are ways of telling if these two are witches.” -Random villager 1: “Are there?”. -Random villager 2: “Ah?” -Random villager 1: “What are they?” -Angry mob: “Tell us! Tell us!…” -Random villager 2: “Do they hurt?” -Sir Bedevere: “Tell me. What do you do with witches?” -Random villager 2: “Burn ’em!” -Random villager 1: “Burn ’em!” -Angry mob: “Burn! Burn them up! Burn!…” -Sir Bedevere: “And what do you burn apart from witches?” -Random villager 1: “More witches!” -Random villager 3: *Slaps Random villager 1 on the back of his head* “Shh!”
-Random villager 2: “Wood!” -Sir Bedevere: “So, why do witches burn?” *Random villager 4 raises his hand* -Random villager 4: “For a variety of reasons, like that they’re physically human and are made of chemical compounds that fire can use as fuel or that we tie them to dry wooden stakes that we ignite with or without additional fuel.”
-Sir Bedevere: “Well, there goes that method…” -Random villager 5: “Are we still gonna try the first method?” -Sir Bedevere: *Gives it some thought* “… Later. For now, we use the holy implements forged for the purpose of detecting and repelling evil and magics such as witches. Fetch the silver crosses and the holy water!” *Random villagers 3 and 4 bring the items* -Sir Bedevere: ” First we lightly splash the holy water on the sides if the accused! Random villager 4, if you will?” *Random villager 4 opens the flask and splashes the arms of Larissa and Dinah, who scream in pain as chemical steam come off their arms*
-Larissa & Dinah: “IT BURNS!” -Random villager 4: *Stares closely at the flask* “Oops, my bad! I grabbed the heavily watered essence of vitriol (heavily diluted sulfuric acid) by mistake! *Pulls out an identical flask* Here’s the holy water flask! We should really label these…” *Random villager 4 splashes the faces of Larissa & Dinah with the actual holy water. The water steams on contact with them and flickers on the surface of their skin as if it were blue flames* -Larissa & Dinah: “IT BURNS! IT BURNS!” -Sir Bedever: “… Yes, they’re witches. You may proceed with the burning if you wish!”
Sorry for the massive wall of text, I didn’t realise how long it would get to type this Monty Python reference/scene…
So Nate busts out a Holy Hand Grenade…
So, no one’s going to hazard a guess as to what Rex is serving? Does even Robin know, or does it just look good? 🙂
Looks like spaghetti to me.
Yes, spaghetti with some kind of tomato-based sauce.
I thought spaghetti bolognese at first, but that’s apparently not a genuine Italian dish.
I didn’t think the fact that it was spaghetti was ambiguous.
All I know for certain is that I’m craving pasta just by looking at it!😋
From dense to comprehension in nothing flat.
Sometimes things make more sense when you say them out loud.
Nate: “Witch eradication.”
Rex: “What eradication?”
Nate: “No, witch eradication.”
Rex: “That’s what I’m asking! Which thing are you eradicating?”
Nate: “I told you, witch!”
Rex: “I already asked that!”
Kaya: “Third base!”
Kai: “FIRST base!”
Hey Robin, which platform do you stream on?
Never mind, found out on Tumblr!
Ahh! Now after reading the newest comic 9th of may. I can tell who is calling Nate. How very well done. Kudos to you sir artist 🙂