Worried dragon
That’s a lot of money.
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Well, they can’t go to Cleo
not for the cash anyway.
If they do, it’s quite obvious
what they think some people will say.
Fifty K is nothing to her
but everything to them right now.
She’ll probably find out their fear
and the only question is… how?
Will she fear they want her wallet
or will she hate that they don’t ask.
The answer close; the fear closer.
Fates conspire to take them to task…
I love this dad so much ^^
Things aren’t looking too good for the Romero’s. Hope everything turns out okay. It’s always nice to see that the family always looks out for each other.
yeah, big city life is way expensive….maybe cleo or their friendly neighborhood dogfathers can become silent backers? you know, not just handing over money, but a genuine investment, contract and all
Would be more fair than just lending the money.
Ooof yeah that’s not a small amount, especially for a small business that has yet to open up! More than likely going to need a helping hand to get this one done. I’ll just repeat my hopes from last week: that however the help comes it’s because Mr Romero convinces people that he and the restaurant are worth the investment.
Kai or Kaya need to ask Cleo. I mean I’m pretty sure she spent more then that to help Kai try and get in the basketball club.
They will probably NOT ask Cleo. Kaya’s been emphatic that she’s NOT friends with Cleo for her money. Any turnabout now will just make it seem she’s been lying.
They probably won’t ask her. However, Cleo somehow finds out.
i predict that kai and Kaya will discuss asking, Cleo, decide to *not* ask her and to not even tell her about it. but their efforts to hide it will make her curious. and on finding out, Cleo will make a suggestion they can follow that does not involve her family’s money. (a gofundme type thing maybe?)
Thank you for pointing this out, too many people ignored this point and thought “oh, they’ll just ask Cleo”.
I get that Cleo is an obvious solution, but the very thing Cleo learned is that money isn’t a big stick that solves every problem.
I agree that they won’t ask Cleo, lol but in this instance money is the right stick they need.
Not to worry, I’m sure Kai or Kaya will come up with a Good Idea™, which will surely have no problems or wacky hijinks.
Kaya might be able to help with that, just make a call to Cleo. Besides, we haven’t seen Cleo’s family yet
“Quick, go back to sleep and get the treasure!”
There is probably some money to made online for dragon scales.
Oh, it’s so adorable :3
I guess, Cleo would be an option to get the money, but this would be too obvious and unethical according to what we’ve learned 🤔
But, gosh, 50 000 $ ? :O
I sorta suspect that Cleo wouldn’t consider it that big amount.
Also, I sorta suspect that noone would even think about asking her, but the chapter ends up with her lending/investing the money anyway somehow.
Maybe Cleo’s dad will buy the building and make some much-needed renovations…
“Dad will find a way”
Why do dads always find a way?
Its what dads do…
“A dad’s gotta do, what a dad’s gotta do!” 🙂
Lol not to mention that there are 3 dads that we know of in the same building
Anyway, the dads face in second panel…is that assuring he will find a way?
Look into his eyes…
80% of all small businesses fail….especially restaurants…..due to improper paperwork. Usually taxes, but yeah, financial screwups like this count too.
WOA !!!
50.000$ is a f*cking hell amount . How Marco has made such a mistake in his estimate ?
most likely? the building turned out to have problems that needing fixing that weren’t immediately detectable when he was buying it. this is relatively common. plumbing and/or that turns out not to be fully to code, wood rot or mold issues behind what appears to be good condition panels, etc. fairly mundane and often not individually expensive things that add up fast.
this is especially possible when doing any sort of rebuilding.. if they’re altering the floorplan of the resteraunt any, such as adding or removing walls, replacing any built in kitchen stuff, etc, you can very quickly end up uncovering stuff that otherwise wouldn’t have been much of a problem. (like say, electrical wiring that was installed oddly and not fully to code.. an inspector probably wouldn’t have noticed it so long as it is in the wall, but once uncovered during the rebuilding, your contractor has to fix it. stuff like that)
Did Mr. Romero actually -buy- the whole -building-?
most employees have absoultely not clue how much resources it takes to run a business – even just for business as usual day-to-day expenses. Through in $5k for accountancy, another $5k for _basic_ renovations, another $10k in city/consent costs, $3k minimum for advertising, then there’s tills, glassware, crockery, utensils, cookware, counter tops, counters, cleaning products and cleaning gear and cleaners, various rubbish and disposal issues, security systems and monitoring costs for those security systems and the contract payments, insurances for all sorts of things (including especially 3rd party public liability), consultants of some of the consents and legal sources, the costs in acquiring suppliers (travelling around and setting up contracts – you can buy off the shelf for a couple of months but eventually you’re going to need serious business contracted suppliers to ensure quality).
And we haven’t even got wait staff, kitchen staff, supervising staff; the lawyer to set up their contracts. Long term kitchen food supplies eg salt, spices.
The furniture is obvious, as is the cooking equipment (cooktop/grill, fryers, overs), and we haven’t bought any food ingredients yet.
I know an outfit that should know better – had all of the above…. and didn’t have compliant venting above the cooking space. The morons installing the systems were going to vent a commercial kitchen into the halls ceiling space, and the council closed the whole thing down because of it (60day notice to fix it, but they dithered so much the council closed them done at the end of the notice)
Hmm… I recall one of Benji’s dads being really glad to see the restaurant opening up again…
Oh dear… 50 grand is no small amount to come up with unless you have investors backing you, and even then it’s quite a bit of convincing. I’m sure Robin has already planned the chapter out, but for now I personally have no idea where this is going to go. Way to start us off with an intimidating cliffhanger! Oh well. I’ll be waiting for the next few pages on the edge of my seat. I almost need to know where this is going, even for a fictional story. Keep it up Robin, keep bringing us back for more; and as always, stay awesome!
One way this could go is cleo trying to “help out,” and becoming an investor and marketer for the restraunt, sharing in dad’s long term headaches. Cleo’s first buisness, as far as her parents are concerned.
If investors ARE backing you they are going be damn pissed that 50k has “vanished” and they are going to be keen to get it back asap – and an attitude of “it’s only investors money (OPM)” will see your business liquidated post-haste!
The math guy in me is wondering what the costs would be aside from the building. Kitchen and dining room equipment, obviously, but what all does that consist of? Aside from the basics of stove, pots and pans, utensils, plates, bowls, and cups, what else is required, and what else is just luxury items?
Probably a whole lot of taxes, fees, regulations, licenses, real estate closing costs, etc. Plus budgeting out money to pay an entire new staff and do some advertising. I could definitely see a new business owner being caught off-guard by how quickly that stuff adds up.
we also know the restaurant space was in pretty iffy shape, so there is probably a lot of renovation work being done there as well. and often that uncovers minor issues in need of fixing that accumulate costs fast.
Whoops! Forgot yesterday was the upload date! Now no one will see my comment…
Young man, there’s a place you can go
I said, young man, when you’re short on your dough
You can stay there, and I’m sure you will find
Many ways to have a good time
*goes and buys lottery cards*
also im back!
Ask Cleo’s dad if he want to invest in a small local business. Then it is not money given but a loan or a business deal 🙂
that would be rather too close to “asking Cleo to buy something for them”. so i doubt they’ll do that.
They could set up a meeting. That why is only parents talking and they, the kids, are out of the way
Aha. Kai’s ‘tell’ is confirmed. He puts his hand on his arm when he’s worried.
Uh oh they need to ask the neighbors, they said they would help set up the restaurant
So, Kai takes out a sword and starts doing “lawn care” looking for stray gems. As for Kaya…
Cleo: “For the last time, you cannot sell Larissa’s vital organs, especially when she’s still using them!”
Kaya: “Oh, I can fix that…”
Cleo: “NO, Kaya. Not even my dad’s lawyers can suppress a felony murder charge.”