So, here’s my question: how the hell did the old owners of the shop / the guests manage to get the walls all the way up to the ceiling dirty? I mean, how does one even?
The owner in the last minute tried to make get it together and throw an all-you-can-eat buffeet for a party, complete with cake and fireworks. The fireworks were way, way, way overdone and instead of looking impressive, it cause a minor fire and thrown food all over the place. The stunt backfired so spectacularly that nobody wanted to go to a restaurant that might have fireworks in its food. The owner decided to just move on from the failure as rapidly as possible and sold the place as-is, no trying to regain value by cleaning up.
The ex-owner’s attempt at specializing in birthday-parties have gone even more spectacularly wrong. As well as adult party catering when the stripper-in-the-cake got caught on fire. The stint at the navy required the evacuation of the ship and hospitalization of all officers. You do not want to know what happened during the brief period of employment at McDonald’s. The court files on the school cafeteria and the subsequent infamous “Vomit-geddon” are sealed. Currently, the ex-owner is on the run in fifteen states with an arrest order by the FBI due to complaints made by the FDA, which was a groundbreaking legal first and with a report titled “oh the humanity, the humanity!”. If found, please report to the police as soon as possible, do not buy any food and do not trust with any kitchenware, kitchen utilities or matches.
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So, here’s my question: how the hell did the old owners of the shop / the guests manage to get the walls all the way up to the ceiling dirty? I mean, how does one even?
Well, I know that when rooms stand vacant for a long time, they tend to get dirty all on their own. Don’t know how, but they do :p
The owner in the last minute tried to make get it together and throw an all-you-can-eat buffeet for a party, complete with cake and fireworks. The fireworks were way, way, way overdone and instead of looking impressive, it cause a minor fire and thrown food all over the place. The stunt backfired so spectacularly that nobody wanted to go to a restaurant that might have fireworks in its food. The owner decided to just move on from the failure as rapidly as possible and sold the place as-is, no trying to regain value by cleaning up.
The ex-owner’s attempt at specializing in birthday-parties have gone even more spectacularly wrong. As well as adult party catering when the stripper-in-the-cake got caught on fire. The stint at the navy required the evacuation of the ship and hospitalization of all officers. You do not want to know what happened during the brief period of employment at McDonald’s. The court files on the school cafeteria and the subsequent infamous “Vomit-geddon” are sealed. Currently, the ex-owner is on the run in fifteen states with an arrest order by the FBI due to complaints made by the FDA, which was a groundbreaking legal first and with a report titled “oh the humanity, the humanity!”. If found, please report to the police as soon as possible, do not buy any food and do not trust with any kitchenware, kitchen utilities or matches.
Doesn’t look too bad, a couple of flowers, some throw cushions, maybe a dragon in the corner… oh, right.
How about two dragons in two different corners xD
Or they could be something like good luck dragons, shake the dragons hand for good luck xD
Put up with the dragon’s pranks and the rest of your day will feel lucky by comparison at least.
Torgo: “I am Torgo. I came with the house when the Master moved away.”
“Manos, the Hands of Fate.” Revered as the worst movie of all time. XD
Come on kids, give your dad some credit.
I like how Mom and the kids peak around the door of the apartment, not sure what to expect.
lol Dad in this entire page.
dose anyone besides me love these comics or is it just me!;)!!!!!!
Did anyone else get the movie?
I’ll give you a hint: ice
Sorry, thinking about a person, not a place.