Dragon translate
Dragon translate, for all your English-Italian translations!
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Is he being friendly
or chatting up a date?
Does he even know
which is to be his fate?
Kai to the rescue
calming the girl down.
Being well restrained
not quite the clown.
Ask her why she’s here;
show her all around.
Driving lessons wait;
friendship’s to be found!
Diolch yn fawr iawn.
Sorry for the delay, the last month has been a bit crazy.
Reminds me a bit of a story my aunt told me. She lived over 50 years in Spain and overhead two English ladies in the local small-town bodega:
“We’ve been living here for over 20 years and they still don’t speak English.”
Wow. You sure they weren’t Americans? LOL
To my knowlegde about 31% of Britains know more than one language.
For example, Hungary is 25%, France is 58% and Germany 71%.
I am English.
I was taught French from first to third year in secondary school.
I can get by (just) and thanks to smartphones it is much easier.
So you are one of the 31%.
As a rule about half of these are on a conversational level, the rest are like you (or me in French).
By the way, my aunt worked as an interpreter after WW2 and knew 12 languages.
For what it’s worth, most American traits do come from somewhere. We didn’t just spring into being with entirely new characteristics, setting us apart from all prior countries. I will admit that American travelers have apparently honed that obliviousness to a fine art, but the fact that it was English ladies in that story surprised me not at all. I am, after all, 25% English by descent, and I know what that side of the tree is like.
Disclaimer: I desperately strive to be unlike my relatives, because the other 75% has even more unpleasant tendencies and I desperately do not want to get into a fight. They are, admittedly, very good at the fighting bit. (No, I am not 75% from Girl Genius, but I do think that the professors have likely met some of my relatives. They have the accent and everything.)
Everything? You also have an obsession with hats?
Don’t you dare say anything bad about the hats. The Jagers won’t like it l.
Actually I am one of the few people here that wear a hat almost all the time I am outside. Though I didn’t have to fight for my hats. 😀
Good first impressions are important.
I really like her eye color, btw.
Agreed, that’s a gorgeous shade of, hmm… jade? No rhyme intended. =)
Ohhhh, there goes the PolarDragon and DracoSnek ships. Ah well, this could be good too.
To be fair I don’t think Clem was actually interested, she was in her content creator persona at the time, though the look on Kaya’s face would be priceless if she saw her brother dating Clem
I thought it was already established that Clem and her assistant were dating, at least outside of public eye
I don’t remember if it was clarified elsewhere, but there does seem to be so e feelings from his direction at keast
Some of the additional art seems to be that way. There’s a particular one of Clem and Zeke dancing that looks an awful lot like they’re a couple.
Zeke”s a nice guy. Clem would be lucky to have him.
The assumption that what a content creator does when they are creating content cannot be sincere is toxic as frick.
Some people have personas they use for their stuff, for some it’s practically a different person, for others it’s just exaggerating some aspects of their own personality, I wasn’t trying to paint all creators that way, just that we haven’t seen enough of Clem to know if she’s just a flirty person, actually likes Kai, or was playing it up. I could have worded it better
Cleo: “Huh…suddenly I have an urge to deploy an airstrike on an Italian village.”
Oh now you’re just feeding the shippers, aren’t you.
Everyone always assumes he’s flirting when he starts speaking Italian. Though it IS a romance language.
Especially given that he is speaking English here.
…you got me there. I guess it’s not when he’s speaking Italian, but when he swaps languages
Kai seems to have that, often infuriating ability of being good with the ladies, and totally oblivious to the fact that he’s good with them (which means he will only ever see his behavior as ‘being nice’ not flirting).
We haven’t really seen a girl really try to flirt with him yet, so it’s unknown if he’s oblivious to girls that like him as well.
Heh. And Kai and The Girl are the only ones oblivious to his “moves.” 🙂
“haven’t seen a girl flirt with him”? Clementine certainly was during the food truck arc. some question about how serious she was with it, since it was while she was in her public persona. his reaction was certainly real though.
UGH. Anabella is one of those frickers who ships any boy and girl who spend longer than a minute speaking to each other, isn’t she. Some people.
Naah, Annabella isn’t tuned in to the fact that Kai is just being his typical charming self. He’s not consciously putting the moves on anyone, that’s just how he is.
She wouldn’t realize this because he’s family.
More specifically, he’s remote family. She doesn’t frequently get a chance to see him being social with non-family because when he’s around, he’s around family he rarely sees, so they’re a higher priority – just like the dragons are a higher priority to Sophia than the regular customers.
I have had my cousins make the same mistake about me for much the same reason.
Heh wonder if Kai realizes yet his just being friendly and helpful approach might lead to something more? What if she asks him to show her around town or perhaps help her with her Italian, at least a few important phrases?
And this being a small town before the day is done everybody will be talking about them dating!
Kai seems like the kind of boy who can win over girls but has no idea he does it or what to do when it happens.
I can see it. XDDDD
Kaya the oblivious. Ironically, she shipped Kai and Clementine LeBeau after he took her order at the Due Draghi food truck.
Piece of advice for the wolf (?) girl, remember to bring an English to Italian dictionary with you while you’re in Italy; it’ll be messy, but you will be able to communicate. You can’t expect Dragon Translate to be with you all the time on your trip, he has his own vacation to be on (for a beta, he’s doing pretty well, just don’t bring in the other Dragon Translate or their cousin, the matchmaking would derail the situation). Too bad we still don’t know her name, I guess we’ll just have to wait another week at least before we learn it.
Kai best beware, his cousin and twin sister are about to play matchmaker. He should get out of there while he still can. And Kaya has chubby cheeks, like a hamster or a chipmunk.
Sorry, nope, I only see Kai being pretty much the same as he would be with Benji.
Panel 2: Add a comma to “Oh”.
Kai definitely comes axross to me as just being friendly. Granted, in general, I tend not to interpret stuff as “flirting” or whatnot as often. Similarly, I like the idea of them just being friends, or at least having a relationship that’s basically a good friendship. I could see a parting kiss under those circumstamces…
Dangit, now I’m doing my own form of non-romatic ‘shipping. 😅
Agree with Formedras & Scia. Don’t think he knows yet. Many girls have a well tuned BS detector, being your normal self is said to be highly effective.
“Lines” impress your buddies, not the girl. Excessive makeup etc. impresses your girl friends, not the boys.
I just realized that Kai and Sofia are speaking in full Italian in panel 3 – they use their hands. 😀
New Pokémon… eh.. friend… added to the collection.
As a gay dude who is totally not projecting, Kai x Benji is the only Kai ship I’ll support.
Nah, it’s been leaked that Benji already has a lady friend. Kai is a really sweet guy, he’d make an excellent boyfriend.
what’s betting the new hybrid isn’t a girl and every just thinks they are (and they don’t know Italian pronouns)
Considering that Annabella and Kaya can have misgendered the newcomer (thus it would be pretty strange) Kay also stated that “She wants”.
In Italian that sentence would have been told without any pronoun (they are used much more rarely than in English) so that “she” is directly the author informing us she is a girl, or that at least that’s what Kay too believes after having spoken with her. They seems like too many mistakes.
The exchange between Kaya and Annabella in the original language.
A: “Kaya.”
K: “Hmm?”
A: “Vedi quello che vedo io?”
K: “Che cosa?”
A: “Kay che intorta una ragazza.”
K: “Ooooh! Dici davvero?”
A: “E’ ovvio.”
Kai does look a bit like the Duolingo bird, so it fits.
Is funny; new girl looks like she is hiding behind her hat. 🙂
And Kai is getting her to lower her defense. By about 10 cm. 😉
I love your work, the drawing, the shading, the characters, Everything!!! Keep up the awesome job!!!!