Limited knowledge
You would have had to explain everything yourself anyway if Rex didn’t join, Benji.
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Stop the game , STOP IT NOW FOR GOD’S SAKE ………… Why Cleo hasn’t a can matching to her skin color , as the other guys ? ^_^”
Benji only had 2 of each color in the refrigerator? ๐
Aaaand Kaya is still mesmerized by her dragon figurine. Wait; how is it she has the figurines if she’s never played before?
Maybe she already collects dragons and knights like full-human girls collect horses? ๐ ๐ ๐
Surely this figurine was in Benji’s RPG box …. ?
Quite possible! Not being an RPGer myself, that didn’t even occur to me. :-0
The figurines indeed belong to Benji, he got quite a collection ^^
No yellow can ?
She doesn’t like the yellow brand soda :p
“Don’t drink the yellow soda!” ๐
Benji is confuddled again. Mistaking knowledge for experience is often fatal. I played someone in Warhammer 40k once. They had some of the best troops – Space Marine Terminators. I had some Imperial Guards. Both my squads were in buildings (the word ‘Guard’ is in their name. Why so many attack with them I don’t know…) and I’d placed the two squads on overwatch, meaning they could fire in the other sides’ firing phase and this kid was one of the opposition in a team game. (no-one in normal shooting range and I’d not used their heavy weapons)
He declared his Terminators would teleport straight into battle with my forward team. I said “OK. You’re teleporting into a building. On a roll of one or two your guy has part merged with the building and is dead. I have both squads in overwatch so that’s… 32 las rifle shots, 4 las pistols, two plasma guns and 2 lascannon shots before you even get to fire. You’re better off teleporting outside and assaulting…
I didn’t finish as he accused me of being scared of facing his troops.
I wiped out his entire squad. His captain unloaded on him for not listening. He had the knowledge of his troops.
I had the playing experience.
Talking tactics of school and rule;
King Rex gets on with Queen Cleo.
He lets her in on all of the facts
and makes Benji feel like a zero.
He keeps assuming about Rex,
mistaking confidence for knowledge;
Churning expectations are just like hot oats,
turning Benjiโs brain into Porridge.
Heโll find his keel, even with his rival,
and heโll be a fair dungeon master.
Unless, of course, the team riles him
and he takes them to disaster.
Yea ……… A lot of persons hears but doesn’t listen X_X
Yeah, it’s a bit like booksmarts and streetsmarts. You can know everything about a subject, if you never done it before, it’s most likely not going to go well, whereas if someone just picks it up and goes with it, doesn’t need all the knowledge to outdo the booksmarts guy :p
Nice warhammer play though ^^
We had our moments too. Our enemy bring a warlock and 2 warriors, i was with a priest (ok, my god wasnt a really peaceful one), the others came with one assasin and a bard. Iran through between the 2 warrior, to get close enough to the warlock, then make my combat-type close-range spells to eliminate him – the fastest ones. Maybe not strong enough to eliminate instantly even one opponent, but cause enough pain to distract a spell, what need a multiple-rounded chanting. If that hits us, we are dead, but if i disrupt it, then can backfire, and they can say goodbye to the warlock. The warriors tried to come after me, but they forget about our assasin – and when they showed him their back… The bard only needed for the background music! xD
For my part , i never “help” kids . Lessons will be painful but it will be a good way to learn
Another I recall. From a battle I lost but I got the shot of the tournament award for it. My guards Vs an Eldar war force and, due to bad die rolls and the odd bad decision, I’d lost. Badly. But I realised, as one of his Gravtanks bore down on my Stormtroopers, I still had one card left to play. Crackshot. So I played it on the Stormtrooper Sarge with a force 4 Las pistol. He hit the tank at 12 inches. He hit the turret area. Crackshot halved the armour so he just needed a 5 to do glancing damage or a 6 to penetrate. 6. a 5 then blew the turret off and flashbacked into the main tank which went up on a 4 and crashed to the ground 2 inches from the Sergeant, exploded… and missed him.
That Sarge was always lucky.
I gave him a 5+ invulnerable save once and he ended up in hand to hand combat with a Space Wolf Terminator Captain on combat drugs. You’ve never seen so many 5’s and 6’s rolled. And the drugs killed the Terminator.
Got such a thing myself : skavens VS stormcasts (a battle i’ve lost , naturally) . I get the first round and notice a lord on a column to use his holy bow : one of my jezzails pack aims to him . Six shots later , the lord had taken his regrets in the tomb XD
Temper, temper, Benji. Welsh Rat is right of course. Knowledge and experience are two DRASTICALLY different things. You’d do well to learn that here from a game rather than later in life when it’s more important. (Such as when applying to a college or when managing teams in a work environment.) A bit of wisdom from the all-powerful comment section. xP Anyway, the comic is amazing as ever Robin. I was glad to fill out the poll. Great of you to take suggestions from your readers. So few artists listen to or even read their comments once their comic becomes so recognized. They develop the sense that they know best, or the pride that these are THEIR characters, not the world’s. I’m glad to see you haven’t faced that corruption. Stay awesome.
Thanks. I’m glad I’m getting a lot of responses from my readers. I always like to know what people are thinking and suggestions are always welcome in my book.
I don’t know if you read the manga Bakuman, but just because you talked about it being THEIR character and not the world’s, I have to chime in on that one a little. It’s actually a fine line that you have to walk as a creator. In Bakuman, which is a manga about two creators serialising a manga, at some point they decide to cram as much of the reader’s ideas in as possible. It ends up making the chapter the worst thing they ever wrote. Not because the suggestions were bad, but because they, as the creators, didn’t guard over their story enough.
This means that, while the characters are indeed out there for the world to behold and see, a creator has to hold a thight reign on their story and characters to make sure it stays at the same level it has been before. That said, completely disregarding your readers and ignoring their input is a bad practice, period. To make a good, community driven webcomic, or any webproject, requires a ballancing act between community input and tight storytelling from the creator. Too much of either and you risk making the project worse or alienating the readers. I personally like to think I’m somewhat on the right track though. Thanks for the input Alpha ๐
You definitely are. You’re doing a great job holding that balance right now. The trick is to keep it that way as the comic grows. xP
Hear-hear! Most of my top comics involve the audience to some degree, in one particular case the comment section is practically a character itself, with random quips shaping some events in the comic, wich in turn shapes the comments…and occasionally gives me a chance to use my overanalytical habits for something constructive. Keep up the good work
I knew about as much as Rex prior to ever playing it, thanks to comics like . My first experience for playing was watching the group I would be joining as they scaled a tower with elemental floors. The GM helped me with a character that week and I joined the next week. Recruitment roleplaying was rather interesting.
Same here, I still have to play my first game (making a character right now). I actually based the chapter of some favourite podcasts and YouTube D&D groups. That’s why this chapter will not focus on rules but rather on the full immersion of the players into the fantasy world.
Well whatever party they make is going to be way more balanced than some of the ones I’ve seen (Three spellcasters and a rogue party: “Wait… Does no one have a positive strength modifier?” -me midway through session 5 (I was one of the spellcasters)) Can’t wait to see which edition this is based on.
Best part is that we all had stated our character concepts before we made the characters, so someone should have stopped this… But no one did.
Sounds like a great party :p Part of the fun becomes working around it I would think.
Hell yeah, it can be a ton of fun, the DM has to go along with it a bit though, like not obviously lock stuff in such a way that causes frustration because no one is able to get by unless they crit succeed. That’s no fun for anyone. Heck, I’ve heard of really fun adventures where the entire party is one class, so in order to succeed they have to build them all in different ways to counteract different circumstances.
Sorry Benji, even if everyone knew the rules, comic law states that you would HAVE to explain for the readers anyway.
I wonder if Rex read up on D&D online and thought โI would enjoy this, I wish I had someone to play with.โ
I certainly have ๐
If you want to play dnd but don’t know anyone who would play with you, try looking up the closest store that does Adventure’s League on the Dnd website. All you need to play in that is a character sheet and the free basic rules that are online. Or if you want to play a different system or are not interested in AL, I would suggest trying to find a group on roll20. It’s free and there are a bunch of games open for new players.
Rules will be swiftly dealt with so we can get to the good bits :p
The chapter will be more about their fantasy adventure than about the rules anyway.
Hmmm… don’t spoil it for us, but I’m curious now. When the game actually starts, will we be seeing them sitting around the table and talking, or will we see them literally immersed in the game like in the Gamer Dragons comic? I look forwards to finding out.
I think Rex just wanted to break the jock stereotype to shake things up, even though he knows very little.
Quite possible :p
Benji’s ‘game’ just became Benji’s ‘class’! No one else in the group has any playing experience with C&D. Reckon Benji will grow up to be a teacher?? ๐ It’ll be fun to see how he handles this. ๐
Seems that it will be a long night , finally ^_^”
He will go with the flow :p
See, Benji doesn’t have a right to be angry. Rex knew something about the game and asked. Benji is flabbergasted that Rex even knew that much. Heck, even the context of the conversation, he never asked what edition REX was familiar with. On the flip side, I thought that was something basic covered off panel. But Benji had asked that, he would have known that Rex didn’t know much (but still far more than Benji assumed) ahead of time. So it comes across as a little strange to me.
Rex had some knowledge and Benji went with that. He didn’t expect Rex to never have actually played the game before.
My comment didnโt go through and I donโt remember it ah well
Strange, I checked if there were any comments pending but I don’t see any. It must have been eaten before it got to the server.
I think it hade to do with my internet went out wen I hit send
The comment is too strong!
The wolf has special homework privileges?! How’d he pull that off?
I also like how there’s a picture of Benji with his “Mom” and Dad on the wall.